Study Shows 95% of Wooden Pallets are Recycled and Reused

compressed wood pallet machine
Wooden pallets are more and more popular in logistics and warehouse industry. While wooden pallets are significantly less expensive than their plastic or aluminum counterparts, they still retain their value well over time. The potential resale value can help your business recoup some of its investment if your transportation needs change in the future. Preliminary results of a research project conducted by Virginia Tech on the disposal of wood pallets at landfill sites reveal that 95% of woode...

Compressed Wood Pallet Machine Deals With Lack of Logs for Pallets

compressed wood pallet machine
Compressed wood pallet machine is the ideal equipment for recycling wood waste. And it also can deal with the lack of logs for pallets. Meantime, wood pallet machine also can help sawmills to gain more profits. Lack of logs forces temporary shutdown of Sawmills in Canada. Mill anticipates May 7 start up. Sawmills in Canada is shutting down the mill for a week due to a shortage of logs available for purchase. The mill announced the temporary closure until May 7 in a press release Tuesday...

Why Use Compressed Wood Pallets for Packaging and Delivery

compressed wood pallet machine
Compressed wood pallets are used extensively in industries around the world for packaging, storage and delivery. These self-supporting structures work wonderfully to store or ship lightweight or fragile items, with the food industry especially using them to store and deliver food. With numerous benefits to boot, it’s not hard to see why presswood pallets are so heavily used by numerous industries that require a versatile and dependable packaging method for their delicate stock. D...

Fault and corresponding solution for the hydraulic system of compressed wood pallet machine

compressed wood pallet machine
Compressed wood pallet machine is the new design machine for producing pallet with high temperature and pressure. Meanwhile,  it is also called presswood pallet making machine, wood pallet machine, pressed pallet moulding machine, and molded wood pallet. Pressed pallet moulding machine is the suitable machine for recycling wood waste efficiently. However, there will some faults in the hydraulic system of wood pallet machine. The following will explain the common faults of the hydraulic sy...

The development of automatic wood pallet machine

automatic wood pallet machine
Automatic wood pallet machine can process raw materials into a variety of pallets. It is also known as automatic wood pallet making machine, compressed wood pallet machine, pressed wood pallet making machine, and so on. Automatic wood pallet making machine is greatly improving the diversity of pallet. And it also effectively meets the market needs. Automatic wood pallet making machine industry has developed in a certain extent. However, in order to long-term development, it needs to have spec...